money loyalty legacy

money loyalty legacy Trailer Bonus Episode 15 Season 1

John Cerasani PT 1 on going viral, hanging with the Nelk Boys, Bob Menery, high-stakes gambling.

John Cerasani PT 1 on going viral, hanging with the Nelk Boys, Bob Menery, high-stakes gambling.John Cerasani PT 1 on going viral, hanging with the Nelk Boys, Bob Menery, high-stakes gambling.

John Cerasani is a proud Chicago native who sold his company into private equity making himself millions,  upon millions of dollars. with the freedom to live his life on his own terms, he decided to pursue the spotlight where he became an internet star;  hanging with the likes of  @nelkfilmz  @FULLSENDPODCAST and  @BobMenery John tells it like it is, and has a prominent social media presence on his Instagram @johncerasani as well as  his youtube channel  @JohnCerasaniTV 
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What is money loyalty legacy?

A podcast made for the people! Our genre consists of true crime; where we interview former mafia wise guys, to ex-cartel members. we also have some of the top fighters in the UFC interviewing former and current champions. We are willing to interview everyone; our other interviews consist of sit-downs with world-famous actors, musicians, and everyone in between.