It's More Than Academic

Cardinal Gibbons High School Principal, Nancy Barkan, interviews Kevin Ferguson, chair of the Fine Arts Department.

Show Notes

Wherein we discover Mr. Ferguson's favorite role as an actor. The discussion covers topics such as the the mentorship approach taken by educators in the Fine Arts Department, how both students and educators are stretched toward their creative potential, and the status of arts programs nationwide. "Inspiration comes when you confront the work" and "It's tough to be in a bad mood in an arts class" are just a couple of the pull quotes from this interview.

What is It's More Than Academic?

Nancy Barkan, Assistant Principal of Instruction at Cardinal Gibbons High School, in Raleigh, North Carolina, speaks with school department chairs, in season one, and with program directors, in season two, about how academics supports community.
Intro and outro music: "Rocketeer," by Music for Makers.