Summer Consortium

On Saturday, participants were treated to a full day of talks, beginning with a lecture from College President Dr. Timothy O’Donnell titled “On Quas Primas — The Universal Kingship of Christ.” Turning to both theology and the history of the Catholic Church, O’Donnell spoke eloquently on the importance of recognizing Christ as King and the need for society to do so again.

Show Notes

On Saturday, participants were treated to a full day of talks, beginning with a lecture from College President Dr. Timothy O’Donnell titled “On Quas Primas — The Universal Kingship of Christ.” Turning to both theology and the history of the Catholic Church, O’Donnell spoke eloquently on the importance of recognizing Christ as King and the need for society to do so again.

“Let’s pledge our loyalty to Christ our King,” said O’Donnell. “Let us think concretely how we, in our lives, can help build this civilization of love. If we can enthrone the Sacred Heart, acknowledging the Kingship of Christ, in our homes, in our families, in our businesses, in our parishes, in our schools, in our colleges, let’s do that, that one day our nation and our world will acknowledge Jesus Christ as Our King. May His Kingdom come.”

What is Summer Consortium ?

Amid the splendor of the Virginia countryside, a select group accompany a variety of lecturers and some of the College’s best professors on an intellectual and spiritual journey representing the height of the Christendom College experience.