The Trusted Web Podcast

Scott Stornetta is a Grandfather, Teacher, Investor and scientific researcher – and an invention he did 30 years ago totally revolutionizes the world of tech today. In 1991, he and Stuart Haber, published the whitepaper "How to Time-Stamp a Digital Document”. This paper, in fact, could be described as the invention of blockchain. In 1992 this paper won the Discover Award for Computer Software; it’s considered to be one of the most important papers in the development of cryptocurrencies as we know it today.

Tune into this fascinating conversation as we explore inventing blockchain by proving its impossibility, the current state of trust and blockchain's role in fixing it, stakeholders in mass adoption of timestamps and Web3 – and Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) and how to get there.

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What is The Trusted Web Podcast?

What if you could simply trust all information on the internet? I’m on the mission to build a Trusted Web for all of us on planet earth. Because to save the world, we need to fix the internet. With this special thing called blockchain timestamps; all content you consume will be transparent and accountable. Welcome to the new default on the internet. Thank you for being part of this journey and let’s build the Trusted Web together.