We are continuing in our Advent series, Radiant, looking at the birth of Jesus and the importance it had then and what it means for us now. Jesus frees us from our captivity of sin and shame. Through His gift of relationship with Him, Christ frees us from the burden of sin, He crushes the pain of Satan’s accusations and defeats the tyrant of death. We are a people in desperate need of deliverance, to find liberty in Christs gift of salvation. We need His hope to change our lives and free us from the bondage of sin. May this bring encouragement to you that the coming of Christ brings liberty to enslaved sinners. Hear from Rev. Brandon Cleaver in this latest message, The Light of Liberty, receive Christ’s gift to you and experience the freedom He brings to us.
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Woodside Bible Church Farmington Hills Podcast: Subscribe to listen to the latest sermons from Woodside :: Updated Weekly :: At Woodside, our mission is to Belong to Christ, Grow in Christ, and Reach the world for Christ. :: For more information, visit us at www.woodsidebible.org.