Bookmarks & Dog Ears

Maria Carmen Punzi, PhD researcher with a focus on menstrual health and social change, was a teenage Twilight fanfiction writer. By now, her interests have taken her in another direction, but reading is still a priority. She tells us all about the books that helped develop her thinking.

Maria Carmen brought:

Louisa May Alcott - Little Women
Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn - Half the Sky: turning oppression into opportunity for women worldwide 
Maisie Hill - Period Power: harness your hormones and get your cycle working for you 

Maria Carmen tips: Brené Brown’s work on self-actualization 

What is Bookmarks & Dog Ears?

Een podcast over leesliefde. Berrie Vugts en Elsbeth van der Ploeg spreken studenten, wetenschappers en medewerkers van Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam over leesgewoontes en dierbare boeken.

Het Rotterdamsch Leeskabinet, de humaniorabibliotheek op campus Woudestein.