Good News for Today

Refugees are those driven from their homeland because of war, or threat of violence or persecution.
At a Send Relief meeting in Indianapolis last week, Bryant Wright, president of Send Relief, told of time in 2014 when he and his wife sat in the tent home of a Syrian refugee family on the border of Lebanon and Syria. The father, blinded by the ravages of warfare, listened intently as Bryant shared the gospel. “Even though the man was blind, I could see in his eyes a sense of hope. And that day, that man trusted Christ as his Lord and Savior,” Wright said.
Wright acknowledged there are differing opinions when it comes to refugees and migration. 
He said while the government is called on to enforce the law, “the church has a call to love our neighbor.” 
“We are to respond in the same way as Christ, caring for those in need,” he said.
Public policy leaders are watching the U.S. Senate where Oklahoma Senator James Lankford and New York Senator Charles Schumer are schedule to bring abortion-related legislation to the floor.
Lankford’s’ pro-life legislation is scheduled for midweek while Schumer’s pro-abortion bill is slated for Thursday.
Baptist Press will be following the bills and have details at Baptist
South Carolina pastor RaShan Frost says, “Every father needs to understand that if our children are a gift from God – and they are, based on Psalm 127:3 – then we have a responsibility to teach them that their authentic selves can only be found in Christ. When we understand that to be our responsibility, then how we model Christ to our children will either draw them to or repel them from the Lord. It starts when they are born and it will continue the rest of our lives.
Capturing the hearts of our children is a two-part work according to Ephesians 6:4 – we are to “not stir up anger in our children” and to “bring them up in training and instruction in the Lord.” In other words, fathers should both nurture and admonish our children. Nurturing is cultivating, encouraging, comforting, training, and instructing our children. It is the positive activity of raising our children in Christ.
As fathers, we have to correct our children when correction is necessary. But it is important to remember that our motivation for nurturing and admonishing our children is love. Our children will accept our correction when they know it comes from a heart of love.”

What is Good News for Today?

Good News for Today shares and spotlights the good God is doing in this world. Through the stories of Baptist Press, we’ll introduce you to Christians and churches who are making an impact for the glory of God.