The Lookout on RNC RADIO

Jeff and Erik are back in the reigns for The Lookout this week to talk about the spectacular battle between Koyama & Mob in Mob Psycho 100.

Show Notes

#ShowUpforSHOWDOWN as Jeff and Erik rundown one of the most creative and brutal fights from Mob Psycho 100, it's Mob v Koyama in a SHOWDOWN! Two powerful espers go head to head, Erik gets Akira vibes while Jeff can't believe how it ends, make sure you lock in to hear how it all unfolds right here on the Lookout network!

What is The Lookout on RNC RADIO?

Welcome to The Lookout on RNC RADIO, home of The Lookout Podcast, Mt. Silver Podcast, Subs Lie, Dubs Lie and all other content exploring anime.