The Pollsters

Holiday Polls
Most Americans don't think that "Die Hard" is a Christmas movie (Hollywood Reporter/Morning Consult)
Personal Importance of Hanukkah Varies by Denomination among Jewish Americans (PRRI)
Trump, Democrats, and the USA
Trump Job Approval (HuffPo)
Trump's Political Risk Spreads to Small-Town America (Selzer & Co./Grinnell College)
Democrats Are Divided On The Ideological Future Of Their Party (HuffPo/YouGov)
Americans Not Optimistic About Trump, Democrats Cooperating (Gallup)
Democrats Lead Surge in Belief U.S. Should Be World Leader (Gallup)
Parenting and Family
Millennial Parent and Education (Echelon Insights)
My marriage? Great! Yours? Not so much. (Brookings Institution analysis of American Family Survey by Center for the Study of Elections and Democracy/Deseret News/YouGov)
The Dog Poop Blues
Is it OK to put your dog's poop in someone else's trash can? (Coloradoan)
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Show Notes

Holiday Polls

Most Americans don't think that "Die Hard" is a Christmas movie (Hollywood Reporter/Morning Consult)

Personal Importance of Hanukkah Varies by Denomination among Jewish Americans (PRRI)

Trump, Democrats, and the USA

Trump Job Approval (HuffPo)

Trump's Political Risk Spreads to Small-Town America (Selzer & Co./Grinnell College)

Democrats Are Divided On The Ideological Future Of Their Party (HuffPo/YouGov)

Americans Not Optimistic About Trump, Democrats Cooperating (Gallup)

Democrats Lead Surge in Belief U.S. Should Be World Leader (Gallup)

Parenting and Family

Millennial Parent and Education (Echelon Insights)

My marriage? Great! Yours? Not so much. (Brookings Institution analysis of American Family Survey by Center for the Study of Elections and Democracy/Deseret News/YouGov)

The Dog Poop Blues

Is it OK to put your dog's poop in someone else's trash can? (Coloradoan)

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What is The Pollsters?

Politics. Policy. Polling. Pop Culture.

Explore what America's thinking with two of the country's leading pollsters-the bipartisan team of Democrat Margie Omero and Republican Kristen Soltis Anderson. In this weekly podcast we take a fresh, friendly look at the numbers driving the week's biggest stories in news, politics, tech, entertainment and pop culture. Along with the occasional interview with pollsters, journalists, and other industry leaders, we'll lift the hood on the numbers revealing the hidden secrets of the public's mind.