Add Ten Gallons Concrete Podcast

In this episode the guys talk about OSHA... it goes exactly how you think it would. Then Conor Cooper (Business Development - Ultra Low Carbon Concrete) joins the podcast to talk about Carbonbuilt's  XPRIZE-winning technology that reduces concrete’s embodied carbon by 70% to over 100%. Paul and Josh ask pressing questions regarding Carbon Credits, sustainability of resources, viability of eco-friendly technology, and more. This episode is sure to teach you something.

Creators & Guests

Joey Bell
Joey is a turkey hunter, dad, husband, and concrete nerd.

What is Add Ten Gallons Concrete Podcast?

Welcome to the Add 10 Gallons Concrete Podcast, where show hosts Paul Fendley and Joey Bell discuss everything related to the concrete industry. Join us as we explore topics ranging from concrete production and materials to construction, quality control, academia, equipment, manufacturing, industry shows, conventions, and other key issues pertinent to the concrete industry.