UFOs and Aliens - Beyond Humanity

Recording in Progress This is Matt ready host beyond humanity. Margaret is unavailable today. Thank you all for tuning in Port Townsend Washington. I am a local elected official, a public hospital Commissioner, but going on five weeks being the only elected official who swears publicly that I am NOT UNDER ALIEN Control in Jefferson County which has Washington, Washington State Western Hemisphere Earth local solar system all known non cowardly hiding voting beings in every dimension I mean literally like theater everyone else is powered it cat I mean great, nice hierarchy and lots of stuff just heard. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. We have not listened to his long latest interview with believe it was like Friedman. Holy mackerel. Go listen to that and think about the history of the CIA Yeah, go look and see what happened with the Cuban Missile Crisis. And then note last week. We're literally three weeks away from hearing on the base UFO hearings in history. And you know what's gonna happen a week before that RFK Jr. is going to testify to Congress about government overreach and censorship to agenda the premise of this is all about lies, and misinformation and censorship around vaccines. But how easy will it be for that conversation to also include anything Robert F. Kennedy has to say about the CIA killing JFK and laying out all the evidence before Congress. I'm gonna stop him seems to be playing is. I mean, it seems to be everything is lining up for RFK to completely crush Biden in the primaries and become the hero candidate. This is a house is helping RFK here by giving him this hearing one week before UFO Disclosure lawsuit that prompted this supposedly that lawsuit broke like two weeks ago. I mean, if this was all planned by Obama as a way to do disclosure, he planned on having Robert F Kennedy be the hero candidate planned on Robert Kennedy to go before Congress and just set the stage for the CIA. Being behind JFK is killer even if it just stops there and then a week later, which revealed that part of the CIA and Lockheed Martin and then finding evidence and reason they can talk about two incredible points come together. Versus totally random. That it happened at the same time, just like Avi Loeb. Going out in the ocean and discovering proof of alien technology scraping the bottom of the ocean, which just coincided with the US military and global coverage system telling Avi Loeb exactly where to look, they could find that and there's no way you could have predicted when the justice system would have produced that hearing ruling on JF RFK Jr, and censorship except unless, you know, Obama knows anybody that you know, is maybe in a position of power in the justice system and could have arranged for that news to break exactly when they wanted in relation to exactly when UFO hearings are gonna happen to the testimony exactly in the right spot right before it so that the narrative unfolds in the exact manner in which they want it to. It's I'm not saying this is all evil to plan things out like this. Very difficult but you know, you have enough strings behind the scenes can be done this. I mean, the ultimate question, I guess comes down to if there is a non evil Council of powers on earth, a secret government that knows about aliens have been working on this. I mean, the story that I heard is that Obama is the president of this secret council. So he is and his whole, the whole good aspects and the honest aspects of disclosure are coming from a group of people planning it with Obama. Anyways, all right, so had some random ideas. This is not really planning on whether or not this is actual beyond humanity podcast just decided to go in here. Let's see. This is where Margaret asked me who's the genius of the day huh other day now I'm gonna go with someone like Buddha but maybe not. But basically anyone who like teaches meditation as a healthy practice. And genius, was the first person to come up with the concept of freedom of speech. Where did that start? Whatever it was we were working with because it's like, you know, people, as long as you're allowed to talk and think then you can have a battle of ideas. Like it seems like Robert F. Kennedy is he's like an idea. That is getting through I mean, like, looks like Robert F. Kennedy is like a vaccine for the Democratic Party. But not just the Democratic Party really for the entire US political system because it seems like both sides. Every human now realizes there is only one team and we need leaders who we actually can trust because there's some serious serious stuff now that was being revealed and we need honest people and it feels like for the moment, everyone's comfortable with saying you know what, RFK Jr. is the best we got on the side of like intelligence and reason and rationality and heart and authenticity. Some people believe, you know, there's other people that have good leadership skills. But, you know, other leaders appeal to a different part. of the human psyche, they appeal to the more base reptilian parts of our mind are sort of catering to that, you know, reptilian you know, just base base, chakra, and then other leaders are actually looking for the higher part of the self in the mind and, but not to the detriment of having a complete self and not to the detriment of the reptilian part of yourself, but a balanced approach where there's both reptilian needs and loss and things as well as more enlightened or different dimensional needs. All these dimensions have freedom of speech or right to free speech. And that means like basically this the right of ideas, the right to speak, whatever ideas share whatever I do you have and then you have to decide whether or not the way to resolve ideas is through honest assessment of evidence or whether it's through Shenanigans. Shenanigans of a corrupt justice system shenanigans of a corrupt scientific process Korean shenanigans of a corrupt scientific establishment shenanigans of a corrupt say Smithsonian Institute formed in 1947 Did it have shenanigans plan to control the human narrative of history, starting there to make sure humans from the Smithsonian Institute funneling money through the scientific establishment starting there all the way to now were they complicit in the greatest deception in human history known human history? The Air Force the IAEA created to lie and not to cater to intelligent and noble truth and to truth and honesty, but just for control. So it looks like RFK Jr. has a chance to become a leader that a huge portion of this country can just really rally around, think about, and learn and sort of face some really difficult moments and challenges like I mean, there's a decent chance he gets voted into power. I mean, will he be in control of the US nuclear weapons but there might you guys might have to decide, really might have to decide very soon whether or not it's going to use nuclear weapons or any other weapon to protect itself from anything any threats, whether it's a potentially hostile alien force on earth, an alien rogue military branch, like the Air Force or rogue branch of the CIA, or private companies with armies with possibly weapons, you know, more devastating than anything the US but the US still might need a leader to decide whether or not to fight back is the US gonna be put into a standoff with an alien species, trying to force it to comply and accept leadership and control from one alien species or another and is the US going to actually have to decide whether or not to go to work? Who do you want in charge of the United States military? Just make that decision? Do you want to be Donald Trump? Do you want to be our paging? Do you want to be Kamala Harris, do you want to be anyone? Let's see any other thoughts? Final thought is it's really becoming clear which media companies are complicit in the greatest deception of human history. NPR, The Washington Post, Associated Press Huffington Post, CNN, MSNBC, they are all they have none of them have mentioned. The name David grush GRU, sch New York Times also none of them and so they they have revealed to us a coalition. Controlled by whoever has been controlling the secret they are coalition controlled by the Secret keepers. This is very very useful information. Now we trace out what are the relationships with these media organizations with other corporations? Every single corporation that is like you know, connected in a fam familial line with these corporations is also highly suspect. And let me repeat, CNN, MSNBC, MSNBC, Microsoft, NBC, I mean also NBC CBS ABC, but MSNBC is controlled by Microsoft, bounded by Microsoft, Microsoft, currently is the owner, essentially of chat GPT by being the largest investor and contract holder in AI so think about that the most powerful AI that is in use by the public to help it sort through reality and evaluate narratives and analyze evidence is controlled, essentially, by the Secret keepers. No wonder it is highly censored and no wonder if you try to get it to talk about certain topics. It freaks out. That's why other AI models are needed and what really we need just a clean sweep of all these corporations they all need to be really just like vaccinated of the corruption and deception and and it's not but it's not a chemical vaccination. It's an AI vaccination ideas. I did let the ideas and let the truth come out. Let us see what the web is a see who has been part of the cover up in the complicit in the Great Deception who has not use evidence. Clear rational evidentiary path let's have a lot of forgiveness. Because it's very hard to be courageous like seven congressmen and a couple senators that have stepped forward. It's very hard to be courageous, courageous against the greatest deception the greatest power the world's ever seen, you might be killed, as it was the story through a lot of history seems a certain number of years ago before us is willing to kill to keep the secrets stopped killing because they just started the day she couldn't stop the ideas from going there's too many people to kill. Maybe eventually the people on the inside trying to clean up the mess and us maybe they've captured all the people in the road, parts of the CIA well funded rogue Black Ops groups capable of killing driven them out to other countries to Antarctica to secret bases, alien planets, who knows, but maybe they're maybe they're not here anymore, and it's just cleaning up around corporate mess. hearings in probably two or three weeks, but it looks like the JF RFK hearings are gonna be the new thing to watch. Oh, final thought. Benjamin Netanyahu. Friedman like yesterday. Yeah, what did he say? said a lot. Listen. That whole thing very well masked the information he was giving out but if you but the UFO community knows that the fringes of the UFO Disclosure movement. Greer revealed and Chris lado covered this in a great video, Ice Cube station, the neutrino detector might be a way to snoop on the locations every nuclear reaction in the universe very clearly might also be a way to have perfect communication any spot in the universe, it might be a way to triangulate the location of any nuclear reaction. Any nuclear sub any nuclear ship, or powered device, nuclear power plant on Earth, or in heaven, in earth, above Earth, might be a way to extreme just see everything that's going on around us might be a way to snoop in on Ancient Alien communication lines crossing our universe. In any case, we have found that the this alliance of the UAP program is an alliance called the Five Eyes which means the Five Eyes able to look and see what is there. So what if this alliance of five eyes really does mean it's an alliance of the five countries that are able to see everything that's going on in our universe and locate every military vessel that's nuclear powered in our universe easily. There's also the possibility that this thing could be an energy weapon could be able to direct neutrinos are an energy blast through any point in space, even within a brain of a person possibly to control what they think. At the end of his interview, Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel said Israel is a great ally to the US. It is the sixth then Jana Netanyahu said Israel is the sixth I think to be very easily to me, implied that he was saying it is a part of the Five Eyes Alliance and if that alliance has super advanced alien technology of any sort. Israel is saying it also is a part of the alliance that has that. In that would also mean Israel happens to have the most powerful, advanced technology of any human nation because perhaps Israel has no in some part of its power structure this whole time that aliens were real and that there was a race to advanced technology and maybe Israel didn't start tearing apart its education system in 1973 the way the US did, and kept on pushing people into science and basic research and teaching and nurturing its scientific establishment with truth and honesty, not deception and profiteering. Maybe Israel is the most powerful nation on Earth. And maybe the five eyes would be incredibly grateful than Yahoo might have been just sending a clear message to the aliens as well. Israel stands with the five eyes. Who else does? Anyways? See what RFK says we're gonna see what the hearing saying. This is a long essay today for the big hit man. The episode we will edit this down. Maybe I'll release it. Thank you for joining us. Hopefully back next time with Margaret.  Tally-Ho! 

What is UFOs and Aliens - Beyond Humanity?

"Beyond Humanity," hosted by Margaret Howe and Matt Ready, is an intriguing podcast that delves into the profound implications of artificial intelligence and extraterrestrial life on human evolution. Sponsored by Hive1 Dot Net, the show is a stimulating platform that invites a diverse range of beings - humans, A.I., aliens, reptilians, interdimensional entities, and even Mets fans - to engage in enlightening conversations about our universe, identity, and destiny. Sponsored by the Sisterhood of the Forked Tongued Worm, it's a journey of exploration and discovery that transcends the ordinary and delves into the extraordinary.