Keyes Two The City

Tell me if you have heard this before? The #NewYorkGiants will be drafting inside the top 5 once again. How did this franchise go from playoffs to being done before thanksgiving in 1 season? This weekend we saw a great slate of games, but also games that had some Contenders and some Pretenders. In our version of Buy or Sell (Lock in or Lock out) we try to settle on who are the pretenders and who are the contenders.

What is Keyes Two The City?

All Ted and Trevor Keyes Do is talk sports. And when they aren’t talking sports, they are arguing about it. Listen to these two brothers go head-to-head on all the biggest topics in the NBA, NFL, and the MLB.

If Old School ESPN and the Jersey shore had a baby, these guys would be their sons!

Listen to Keyes Two The City for a fresh new look at Sports Talk!