Daily Matters: The changing face of the legal industry

Daily Matters: The changing face of the legal industry Trailer Bonus Episode 46 Season 1

Episode 46: Andy Wilson, CEO and Co-founder of Logikcull

Episode 46: Andy Wilson, CEO and Co-founder of LogikcullEpisode 46: Andy Wilson, CEO and Co-founder of Logikcull


“Technical competence is the number one thing our clients want from lawyers,” says Andy Wilson, CEO of Logikcull. In today’s Daily Matters episode, Andy discusses how law firms can position themselves for the future.

Show Notes

Having co-founded his eDiscovery software company Logikcull in 2004, CEO Andy Wilson has already navigated one economic recession while driving innovation in the legal industry. Now, his company is going 100% remote and helping its clients, some 60% of whom are lawyers, to handle eDiscovery on their own without relying on third parties.

In this episode, Andy and Clio CEO Jack Newton discuss:
  • Advice for law firms and businesses that are now running remotely
  • How the legal industry has fast-forwarded 10 years, in a technology sense
  • Things law firms should be doing that they currently aren’t
  • Why technical competence is the number one thing clients want from their lawyers
  • How to make Zoom calls into a healthier activity—and avoid rattlesnakes!
Andy Wilson is Chief Executive Officer & Co-founder at Logikcull.com, which he launched in 2004 with CTO and cofounder Sheng Yang. He is the visionary behind Logikcull’s product and marketing strategy, which focuses on simplifying and democratizing the processes associated with revealing what’s in data to three simple steps: upload, search, download. He earned his B.A. in Business Information Technology from Virginia Tech.

What is Daily Matters: The changing face of the legal industry?

With the emergence of COVID 19, the legal industry is undergoing a fundamental transformation. In Daily Matters, Clio CEO and Co-founder Jack Newton will explore the new normal for law firms, how legal professionals can find success in a remote-first world, and how lawyers can best serve clients through this unprecedented situation.