Episode 255
Season 1
Wireless freedom for schools and meeting rooms — with Jonas Gyalokay, Airtame
In today’s episode, listen to an interview with
Jonas Gyalokay, co-founder and chairman of
Airtame, recorded at
TechBBQ 2021. If you've ever been to a meeting room where the person presenting is struggling to connect their laptop to the screen or projector, you understand the pain that this startup is trying to remove.
Here are some things we’ve discussed:
- Scratching your own itch as the best way to launch a startup
- B2B focus as a way to hide from the Eye of Sauron
- Life after stepping down as the CEO of a startup you've founded
We hope you enjoy(ed) the podcast! Please feel free to email us with any questions, suggestions, and opinions to or tweet at us