The Subscription Web Design Podcast

In this episode of Subscription Web Design, we're diving into five common false beliefs that keep web designers struggling financially. Drawing from years of experience, we'll explore why many web designers find it hard to make ends meet and the mindset shifts needed to break free from this cycle. From the myth that there aren’t enough clients, to the trap of trying to be everything to everyone, we challenge these misconceptions head-on. We also discuss the importance of thinking like a business owner and not just a creative, as well as the need for proactive marketing and relationship building. Join us to debunk these myths and start steering your web design business toward financial stability.

00:00 Introduction and Episode Overview
00:23 The Reality of Being a Web Designer
03:22 False Belief #1: Not Enough Clients
07:34 False Belief #2: Being Everything to Everyone
08:44 False Belief #3: Gurus Are Always Right
11:57 False Belief #4: Web Design Isn't Like Other Businesses
15:03 False Belief #5: Telling People What You Do Is Enough
17:11 Conclusion and Final Thoughts

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What is The Subscription Web Design Podcast?

Are you sick and tired of the "feast or famine" grind of website design? Or, are you looking for a profitable side hustle that will lead you to fulltime self-employment so you can finally do life on your terms? In this podcast, Steve Schramm will show you how to build the life and business of your dreams using the subscription web design model. Featuring value-packed training sessions and success stories of others who've been where you are and built a stable web design business that fuels their lifestyle.