Growing Edge Live

Join Ali Benjamin as she creates conversations with soul-centered people who channel their attention, energy, and resources into supporting others and helping the world come together in love.

Guest: Author and Coach Cynthia James

Cynthia James is an Emotional Integration Leadership Coach and transformational specialist. She is one of today’s brightest and best loved inspirational leaders and teachers guiding thousands of people to make changes at a deep level for lasting healing in their lives. Whether coaching, speaking, or teaching Cynthia invites participants into INQUIRY, INTROSPECTION, AND INTEGRATION. Her newest program, Advanced Awareness Coaching offers depth, focus, and results for high-level business creatives.

Ms. James has completed two master’s degree programs; one in Consciousness Studies from the Holmes Institute where she was awarded the honor of distinguished alumni, and the other in Spiritual Psychology from the University of Santa Monica. Cynthia has uniquely combined the creative arts with innovative therapeutic techniques to bring powerful personal growth and expansion to individuals of all ages, cultures, and lifestyles, including facilitating the message of her bestselling and award-winning books, “What Will Set You Free”, Revealing Your Extraordinary Essence”, “I Choose Me: The Art of Being A Phenomenally Successful Woman at Home and at Work” and latest book, “Does My Voice Matter? A journey of Self-Discovery, Authenticity and Empowerment.”

Cynthia’s life was transformed as she transcended her childhood of violence and PTSD. Ms. James is personally committed to utilizing creative expression as a vital and effective healing modality. Her messages, music, and meditation products have supported individuals and groups around the world.

Her acclaimed podcast, Women Awakening, supports an International audience and is on all podcast platforms.

Cynthia has appeared in the movies, Sacred Journey of the Heart and Leap! She has facilitated hundreds of workshops, seminars, and keynotes; including Celebrate Your Life, Omega Institute, Woman Arising, the Gift in Shift, Colorado Behavior Healthcare Council, Women’s Success Forum, the Children’s Hospital and many others. Cynthia has co-hosted a radio talk show, a television talk show in Los Angeles and is a sought-after radio guest.

Internationally, Ms. James has led workshops in England and Ireland and has created and facilitated pilgrimages to Egypt, Peru, Chartres, France, meditations in the Temples of Humankind in Damanhur, Italy and Mary Magdalene experiences in the south of France.  She has presented and been the co-chair of the Women’s Leadership Conference in Uganda, Africa for the Global Livingston Institute.

Join Cynthia in her workshops, online community experiences or in-person. You will be inspired!
#alibenjamin #growingedge

What is Growing Edge Live?

Ali shares inspiration and practical spirituality for everyday living. Growing edge conversations with interesting people. Spiritual practices for integration of universal spiritual principles. And bares witness to the human process of awakening.

Growing Edge Live Podcast
Conversations with soul-centered people who channel their attention, energy, and resources into supporting others and helping the world come together in love. You will meet individuals that have used their work/business/organization to support growth, creativity, and freedom.

We all have a story, a unique way of seeing the world and being in the world. In these chaotic times many of us are awakening and realizing it’s time to make a shift, take a stand, be a solution, aid in the healing of humanity, and the evolution of human consciousness.

We will take a look at how people are using their lives as a vehicle to channel innovation and creativity into an ever-changing world that is in need of hope, meaning, and direction. We will dive deep into the minds, hearts, and lives of our guests. We will explore a wide range of topics, life-styles, spiritual paths, and so much more as we take a peek into the life of someone that is making a difference in their own lives, their community, and our world.

This podcast is sponsored by Satya, dedicated to inspiring minds, healing hearts, and transforming lives. A loving place of support and resources. Sharing transformational tools that awaken individuals to embody their authentic power and purpose, create a life they love, and experience wholeness, abundance, and ease as never before.

Note from Ali:

I hope you takeaway something helpful from these conversations and pass it on. Know that you are a beloved child of the universe, you matter, and your presence makes a difference on the planet. Thanks for listening - please follow, like, subscribe! Namasté, peace, and blessings, Ali xoxox

Dr. Alison J Benjamin

I’m Ali a life long spiritual adventurer, meditator, teacher, and student.

My vision is love, peace, well-being, abundance, and joy for all.
My purpose is to be grounded in grace and overflowing with exuberance and gratitude.
My mission is to give unconditional love and creativity to my relationships and my work. And to be a channel of blessings as I live, serve, and evolve.

Satya Center
We are a nonprofit and your donations give wings to our mission: Inspiring minds, healing hearts, transforming lives.

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