2P1J - 2 Paths 1 Journey

Welcome back to the 2P1J Podcast, where we inspire and educate the business owner. In this episode, we tackle the question of how to avoid becoming the next Kodak and instead create a sustainable competitive advantage. 

We start with a Rapid Fire Review, where our hosts reflect on how the show has impacted them personally. Hugh reveals that he's better when he's exercising, and Connel shares his thoughts on not being too firm on one strategy. They discuss their recent episode, which ran long despite having a focus on getting clear, and the importance of the fail-forward mentality. 

Moving on to the main topic, we explore the concept of the Hedgehog Strategy and its role in defining a business's core focus. The Hedgehog Strategy is named after the simple and unassuming creature that relies on one strategy to protect itself from predators: rolling up into a spiky ball. Similarly, the Hedgehog Strategy emphasizes a single-minded focus on doing one thing exceptionally well, which can lead to sustained success. 

Our hosts share their experiences with defining their business's core focus, with Hugh recounting his previous experience and the importance of niche and economic drivers. They discuss the benefits of getting this right, including increased efficiency, adaptability, and sustainable competitive advantage. 

Throughout the episode, the hosts encourage audience engagement and reflection, asking listeners to consider if a Hedgehog Strategy could be important for their own business and if it could prevent them from becoming the next Kodak. 

In closing, they offer a call to action for listeners to engage with them on social media and their website. They remind listeners that by combining passion, the ability to be world-class at something, and an understanding of what makes money in their industry, they can create a formidable and successful business. 

So, if you're an entrepreneur looking to stay ahead of the game and avoid the mistakes of Kodak, tune in to this episode and learn how to define your business's core focus using the Hedgehog Strategy.

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 www.2p1j.com or email info@2p1j.com


Produced By The Podcast Boss

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What is 2P1J - 2 Paths 1 Journey?

The "Two Paths, One Journey" podcast features Connel and Hugh, who started new businesses in early 2023. While this is Connel's first venture, Hugh has previously built several successful businesses, with revenues exceeding eight figures and employing over 100 people. The podcast offers weekly insights from their unique perspectives on entrepreneurship and life, as they share their experiences growing and starting a business.