Zeus With Bruce

Want to know what it looks like to truly have these 4 Cs in check?
  • 1 - Confidence
    • Enter moments of uncertainty with boldness, assertiveness, and resolve
  • 2 - Charisma
    • Captivate those you engage with in any environment and leave them feeling mesmerized
  • 3 - Communication Skills
    • Seamlessly get your points across while ensuring the other person and other people feel(s) heard
  • 4 - Conflict Management
    • Navigate potentially highly tense situations with others and have a win-win outcome
Adopt these identities before you actually believe it, before you know it you will have these 4 Cs in check!

Quote by Nelson Mandela: "If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.”
Ikigai --> (生き甲斐, lit. 'a reason for being') is a Japanese concept referring to something that gives a person a sense of purpose, a reason for living.

Make sure to check out my updated website https://zeuswithbruce.com/
Connect with me on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/bruce-dasilva/
Find me on Instagram at @bruce_dasilva
Directly contact me at coachbrucedasilva@gmail.com
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What is Zeus With Bruce?

Although commonly used as a noun, Bruce views the word Zeus when used as a verb to indicate a sense of growth from the pits of despair and empty vessels of ignorance to mountain tops of hope and knowledge. Topics include philosophy, sociology, psychology, culture, mindset, and everything in between. Interviews with humans from all walks of life are included to broaden our perspectives.

Visit zeuswithbruce.com for all things Zeus With Bruce!