TRANSlating Everything

While the terms "male sex" and "female sex" have long held practical function and purpose in medical fields, they are increasingly just stupid and outdated.

They are holding us back.

When we look at the fleshy bits that make up a person's genitals, we really have no idea whether we are looking at a penis, a vagina, or something else entirely. Not until we talk to the person. The individual.

Just so, I am a woman. I have a woman's body. I have always had a woman's body. To tell me that any part of my body has ever been a man's is offensive. It is wrong. It is evil.

See also on the Cool Trans Mom Substack: "More Than Our Genitals, More Than Our Brains"

TRANSlating Everything is by Stephenie Magister and occasional guests.Show less

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