The Just A Mom Podcast

Introduction: In this episode of the JAM podcast, we explore eating disorders with Dr. Samantha DeCaro, a licensed clinical psychologist. Dr. DeCaro discusses the prevalence, causes, and prevention of eating disorders, touching on the complex relationship with mental health, anxiety, and depression.

Pandemic's Impact on Eating Disorders:
  • Isolation during the pandemic contributed to eating disorders.
  • Increase in social media use, body dissatisfaction, and comparison.
  • Food insecurity, anxiety, grief, and loss as triggering factors.

Factors Contributing to Eating Disorders:
  • Social media's role in body image dissatisfaction.
  • Challenging myths about who can have an eating disorder.
  • Awareness efforts lead to increased diagnoses.

Populations at Higher Risk:
  • Elevated risk for those identifying as female.
  • LGBTQ+ community, victims of weight stigma, and those feeling unsafe at heightened risk.

Difference Between Eating Disorders and Disordered Eating:
  • Eating disorders as complex psychiatric disorders.
  • Disordered eating exists on a spectrum, ranging from clinical disorders to healthy relationships with food.

Common Eating Disorder Protective Factors:
  • Avoiding dieting behaviors, promoting body acceptance.
  • Encouraging a healthy relationship with food beyond fuel.
  • Breaking down scarcity mindset and fostering body diversity awareness.

Promoting Healthy Attitudes in Children:
  • Importance of language around food and body image.
  • Teaching that all bodies come in different shapes and sizes.
  • Encouraging connection with body signals and cues.

Recognizing Patterns of Emotional Eating:
  • Differentiating between occasional comfort eating and problematic patterns.
  • Suggesting additional coping tools beyond food.

Signs of Eating Disorders:
  • Intense dissatisfaction with body image.
  • Increased isolation and anxiety around food.
  • Preoccupation with ingredients, calories, or cooking without personal consumption.
  • Presence of depression, rigid thinking, and elevated suicide risk.
  • Acknowledgment that everyone may experience some form of disordered thoughts or behaviors regarding food and body image.
  • Dr. DeCaro discusses common signs of eating disorders, emphasizing hyper-focus on food and weight.

Preventing Eating Disorders:
  • Strategies and protective factors are explored, challenging societal norms and promoting holistic health.
  • The importance of prioritizing mental health and normalizing mental health treatment is highlighted.
  • Dr. DeCaro introduces a transdiagnostic approach, emphasizing a multidisciplinary team.

Levels of Care at Renfrew Center:
  • Overview of residential, day treatment, intensive outpatient programming (IOP), and outpatient care.
  • Addressing the affordability of treatment and Renfrew Center's acceptance of insurance plans.
  • Dr. DeCaro hints at a future episode focusing on practical ways parents can help children with a healthy relationship with food.
  • The episode concludes with gratitude from Susie and Dr. DeCaro for the informative discussion on eating disorders and the importance of mental health care accessibility.

Creators & Guests

Susie Gurley
Susie shares the real stories of moms and dads who have walked the lonely, scary road of parenting a child with mental illness. You're not alone. There is hope.

What is The Just A Mom Podcast?

My name is Susie.  I have three children, the youngest of whom struggles with depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation. I never thought this could happen to me, and I missed the signs.  Being a parent is really hard, and I'm here to help! I'm talking to parents and experts to help you with the issues your kids may face.  I want you to know that you are not alone and there is hope.