Make Marketing Suck Less

Do you ever find yourself reading an Instagram post or listening to a podcast, and you're absolutely horrified by the advice being given?  You shake your head and you think, “That's not how any of this works!” 

I know I've been there, and the reason is because experts can spot BS a mile away. I believe that's one of the reasons why marketing is so hard for you. 

The pseudo experts out there who are promising the quick fix, big rewards for little effort, and the easy to follow blueprints make whatever the challenge is seem so simple and easy to solve. 

Then an expert looks at it and thinks, “Wow. Yeah. That's not how that works. It's not that simple.  It's more nuanced.”

As an expert, you look at those kinds of marketing messages and think, “is this what I really need to say to get people to want to work with me? I just can't say that. It's not right”. 

And you're right. That instinct is the correct one. 

Your honesty, your integrity is exactly why we need to get your work in front of people. So it's time. It's time to stage a rebellion with your expertise, and I'm going to give you 3 big reasons why. 

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Full show notes and transcript are here.

What is Make Marketing Suck Less?

The only podcast that admits marketing is F@$!ing hard and makes it suck less for solo business owners who are juggling client delivery and sales on top of all those marketing tasks.

Unlike most marketing podcasts that share the latest marketing fads that promise “Viral Internet Fame,” Dr. Michelle Mazur, the author of the 3 Word Rebellion and founder of The Expert Up Club, knows you don’t need any of that BS to run a thriving business.

Each week, she shares unconventional strategies and ideas grounded in research, not opinion, that help you clarify your message and become way more effective with your marketing.

While she can't promise you'll ever love marketing, she can promise you’ll hate it a tiny bit less.

(Formerly Rebel Uprising Podcast)