The Thriller Zone

On today's 113th Episode of The Thriller Zone, we celebrate 2022 with THE DAVE & TAMMY TOP 10 YEAR END EXTRAVAGANZA!
Today’s show is extra fun because I get to spend it with my beautiful and talented wife, Tammy. By the way, it just so happens we’ll be celebrating our 5th wedding anniversary tomorrow; so, there's an extra reason to celebrate.
Our show will highlight some of the very best entertainment we’ve enjoyed this past year. That includes our “Top 10 Favorite Books, TV Series and Movies of ’22." 
And before you get butt-hurt you didn’t make the list, no need to worry because many of the 50-to-60 (or so) guests this past year didn’t make it either. I say 50 to 60 only because there were times I hosted 2 episodes a week, while at others, there may have been only one. Either way, there’s plenty of entertainment to go around, so let's have FUN!
Also, while Tammy and I certainly have different tastes, we share a good many favorites, mainly because we devour so much entertainment together on any day, night or weekend.
There are so many people to thank for making this show possible, mainly because YOU, my faithful listener and/or viewer. Without YOU there on the other end of this microphone, well, frankly, I’d just be talking to myself. So, thank you.
Also, I want to say thanks for all the 5-star reviews you’ve given The Thriller Zone over the past year, either by ApplePodcasts, Spotify, directly on our website,, or any other podcast listening space. 
Again, thank you, the kind words mean a lot and let us know we’re being enjoyed all around the world.
Special thanks for the support of the following people who have helped make The Thriller Zone the hotspot for thriller writers and readers around the globe:
Meg Gardiner
David Ellis
Chris Hauty
Wanda Morris
Don Winslow
Peter Farris
Brian Freeman
Scott Blackburn
Ace Atkins
Andrew Child
Nick Petrie
While this list doesn't come close to exhausting the vast talent who made appearances on the show, it represents the names mentioned in the show today.
Special Thanks to the following people who helped support us in "quiet ways..."
Jack Carr ... Eric Bishop ... Mark Westmoreland ... Tom Colgan ... Joe Kenda ... Samantha Bailey ... Simon Gervais ... J. Todd Scott ... David Pepper ... Connor Sullivan ... Rick Bleiweiss ... Eli Cranor ... Kelly J. Ford ... Sarah Pearse ... Tracey Devlyn ... Dean Koontz ... Amina Akhtar ... Brad Thor ... Jane Friedman ... Brian Lebeau ... Steve Stratton ... Don Bentley ... Joey Hartstone ... Mark Greaney ... Frank Zafiro ... Tori Eldridge ... Joshua Hood ... Alma Katsu ... Marc Cameron ... Bobby Matthews ... Ward Larsen ... Kris Tsetsi ... Aaron Philip Clark ... Avanti Centrae ... Matt Scott ... Jeffery Deaver ... Ted Flanagan ... Louise Candlish ... Stephen Hunter ... JB Stevens ... Emilya Naymark ... Todd Kniss ... JD Barker ... John Gilstrap ... Nick Kolakowski ... Chris Swann ... Janosh Neumann (aka ?) ... Luke McCallin ... Ted Bell ... Kevin Tumlinson ... Nicole Baart ... Kent Krueger ... Mullin & Mabry ... William Boyle ... PJ Vernon ... David McCloskey ... Sean O'Rourke ... Fred Burton ... Suzanne Chazin ... Caitlin Rother ... Megan Collins ... Sharon Doering ... Adam Hamdy (one of the first) ... Joe Goldberg ... and ... May Cobb.
Lastly, a very special thanks to our Prime Sponsors, & for their patronage and support this past year. In closing, if you would like to make a tax deductible donation to benefit the citizens of Ukraine, discussed inside the show, or if you would like more information about a cause we believe in, please click here:* Thank you, LazParking for your heartfelt commitment to helping people in need. 
Last & Final: THANK YOU for listening and/or watching our show today, and this past year. I thoroughly enjoyed every podcast, and so deeply appreciate your support. I trust you'll come back in the new year and see what has up its sleeve in '23.
Follow us on Twitter & Instagram @TheThrillerZone
David Temple
Podcast Host - Author - VoiceoverActor - Filmmaker
Learn more:
*Note: the original link is:
Mentioned in this episode:
AB YearEnd Special is running a Year End Special to coincide with our "Year End Extravaganza!" That's right, use the CODE: ThrillerZone and Get 3-Months FREE with a 1-Year Contract. But Act Soon, this deal may disappear with the old year!
Warwicks Year End
Warwicks is running a Year End Special to coincide with our Year End Extravaganza. Go into their store in La Jolla, CA, or order ONLINE at and get Super-Duper-Exceptional-Customer-Service-with-a-Smile! Thank you, Warwick's, for your support!
Avanti Centrae Giveaway
Avanti Centrae, author of the international bestselling VanOps thriller series has just released her latest thriller, "Cleopatra's Vendetta." Win prizes by going to, use code: thrillerzone for bonus points!
Advertize on TheTZ
Are you an aspiring thriller writer? Have a book coming out soon? Want to get noticed...AND sell books? How about advertising on TheTZ! Rates are super reasonable, we offer a captive audience, and, well, who doesn't love The Thriller Zone? Let's talk: thethrillerzone at gmail.

Award-winning Green Beret, Steve Stratton, is the author of the Shadow Tier Series and the novella, A Warrior's Path: the Lance Bear Wolf Story. Learn more at

What is The Thriller Zone?

Podcast host and thriller author David Temple gives you a front-row seat to the best thriller writers in the world. If you like thriller fiction in Books, Movies, and TV Shows, you’ll love The Thriller Zone Podcast.