Conversations with Buddy

What an awesome time having Dean on the podcast.  To hear about the lessons he has learned in life! The highs and lows, the joys and struggles! 

From working in the orchard, shining up apples, marriage, kids, fly fishing and serving people! 

Dean unpacks a lot of life and it gets a little emotional reflecting back on some memories. Great job Dean! πŸ™Œ

I hope you will take the time to check out this episode and get to know Dean! He’s a great guy to know! πŸ‘

To reach out and connect with Dean, email him at:

Please SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel to listen to more great stories and share this with your friends and family! πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™


#ConversationsWithBuddy #jesusfollower #flyfishing #servantleadership

What is Conversations with Buddy?

Welcome to Conversations with Buddy, where you will hear the stories of everyday people fighting through life’s challenges for meaning and purpose. From fear to faith, struggles to success, trials, and tribulations to triumph and victory. Where did they muster the courage to overcome and where does their hope come from? What is the lesson life has taught each of these people who share their stories and then be willing to share it with the world?