Founder Radio

At Founder Radio, we interview the globe's most exciting founders about their business and their journey. We celebrate founders, and hope to inspire others. 

Pit Janssen of MedApp has exited his prescription medicine adherence and delivery company to the biggest, stock exchange listed, EUR 2.0bn market cap online pharmacy company in Europe. MedApp launched as a medication adherence app, and rolled out an integrated pharmacy with a delivery function in 2020. They bootstrapped the company with a students loans and IT consultancy work until 2017, at which point angels came in. After raising money from Tablomonto Ventures, M3 Ventures and Health Innovations, they were acquired by Shop Apotheke Europe (ETR: RDC) in 2021.

Listen to this episode for lots of insights on
  • Innovation in the pharmacy business
  • How oldschool pharma fought back
  • How to bootstrap your company
  • Finding hidden funding (!)
  • The importance of a great co-founder
  • What to look for in a co-founder
  • How to exit your business to a multinational
  • How life changed for Pit and this team after the acquisition
  • Pit’s background, drive and values
  • Parenting tactics for nurturing killer entrepreneurs
Enjoy listening!

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What is Founder Radio?

In-depth conversations with the globe’s most exciting company founders