Journey to Inner Wisdom

In today's episode, we are talking with Gillian Andrew's writer and women on a journey. Like the heroine of Gift of the Loon, primarily a woman attempting to find her way in her chosen field. Gillian has long questioned what it means to be a successful writer.  We will be talking about her journey as a writer and how she got started by exploring her experiences along the way.

 She is an experienced canoeist and hiker, Gillian has visited the locations where Gift of the Loon takes place to experience their natural beauty firsthand. Stopping at nothing to research her writing, Gillian has even taken art classes to gain an understanding of what it feels like to hold a paintbrush, how to use a palette knife, and to experiment with colour. Gillian lives in Chatham, Ontario, Canada with her husband, and two children, who are both also writers.

visit her blog at

What is Journey to Inner Wisdom?

Welcome to A Journey to Inner Wisdom. I am Crystal Kotow-Sullivan and your host of this Podcast. I am a Wisdomologist and I will be exploring Wisdom and the journey to our own inner wisdom.

I am going to talk about the ABCs of a Journey to Inner Wisdom…Awareness, Beliefs – private and conditioned, and Balance, Curiosity and Creativity, Discernment and decisions, the Enneagram and energy centres, Focus, Flow, and Flourish and Gratitude, Generosity and

grace. At this moment it is the ABCDEFGs of a Journey to Inner Wisdom. I will get the rest of the alphabet with time!