CoCreate with Brooke Snow

Typically in social settings we tend to ask the same questions of each other.
How are you?
What's going on in your life?
Or if it's someone you haven't met before, perhaps questions like, Where are you from? What do you do for a living? Do you have children? Are you married?
While these questions are still important insights into someone's life, I was recently asked a casual question at a dinner that I haven't been able to stop thinking about for more than a month. It stopped me in my tracks and made my heart beat fast. I've never been asked this question before so I didn't have a practiced response, and perhaps that is why it was so impactful. I had to really really search within myself for an answer, and to be honest, that search is still happening. And the search to this single question has added so much meaning to my life. I'm excited to ask you the same.


Use code ONEHEART30 to get 30 days free on the Co Create App and gain access to the guided meditations and Q&A that accompanies this Reclamation of Feeling course. 

What is CoCreate with Brooke Snow?

Join Brooke Snow in the journey of co creating a life from a place of unconditional love.