The Sleuth

Melvin Moore of Melvin Moore Fitness join the sleuths on a special episode.

Show Notes

Some more about Melvin: Even while being very active, he grew up an overweight child. As a child, he always had aspirations of being physically fit and strong like action figures and professional wrestlers. He played baseball from 4 years old up until varsity in high school.

In 2010, he began pursuing a career in public safety. The ability to protect and serve weighs heavily on one’s fitness level and was required of him from day 1. I am a proud former EMT, Law Enforcement, Tactical Experience, & Current US Army Reservist.

When he got my fitness life together, his real-life got together. As he started to see success within his fitness journey, he started to see that discipline, consistency, mental health and all the other principles of fitness were the same as all the principles of success.  Coaching others to maneuver through their fitness journey is his PASSION.

Melvin also worked in the jail and on the SWAT team. So he shared some pretty intense stories from his time working in prison. Including how being spit on by an inmate who was mentally unstable.

The sleuths discuss the case of Faye Swetlik and the information known from the story of the 6-year-old who was found dead in the woods by her house. They discuss the details of the case form the reports, the topic of amber alerts (What are the legal requirements for issuing an amber alert?) The details surrounding the case leave a lot to be questioned and it brought up the topic of letting our kids play outside today versus what our parents were comfortable with when we were children. 

Is this a growing epidemic or do we just know more about it thanks to 24 hours news and social media? 

In either case, cases like this are very sad and our hearts go out to the family members and those affected by it.

Also mentioned in this episode:

What is The Sleuth?

The Sleuths are real private investigators here to help you find the truth when you need to know. With sometimes shocking, heartwarming, and hilarious stories from the field, they keep it real. Interviews with experts bring you insights on how people leverage P.I.'s in their lives and businesses. When you need to know, call the sleuths — licensed by the North Carolina Department of Public Safety, Jamie hosts this entertaining and informative podcast to educate individuals and business owners.