Black Dog Institute Podcasts for Health Professionals

Black Dog Institute Podcasts for Health Professionals Trailer Bonus Episode 136 Season 1

eMHPrac Webinar 66: Supporting Families when Dementia Comes Knocking

eMHPrac Webinar 66: Supporting Families when Dementia Comes KnockingeMHPrac Webinar 66: Supporting Families when Dementia Comes Knocking

Many people experience difficulties when a family member, friend or someone under their care is diagnosed with dementia. Health professionals are increasingly being asked what community members can do to assist a person maintain their dignity and a good quality of life after a diagnosis of dementia.
In this webinar we discuss these issues with Dr Hilton Koppe, GP Educator at Dementia Training Australia and facilitator of the award-winning Australian podcast "Dementia in Practice". Hosted by Dr Jan Orman.

Here’s the link to the graph to include in the podcast notes:

What is Black Dog Institute Podcasts for Health Professionals?

Black Dog Institute is a global pioneer in the identification, prevention and treatment of mental illness and the promotion of well-being. Our unique approach incorporates clinical services with research, education and the voice of lived experience to reduce the incidence of mental illness and suicide, remove stigma and improve lives. Here you will find all of the Podcasts produced by the Black Dog including Expert Insights, Being Well and Emprac.