The Adoptive Mom

Dudes adopt too, did you know? Well did you also know that they are more susceptible to burn-out because they have even fewer resources and outlets for their emotions and struggles? Bryan and Ryan are going to talk all about it in this episode, with some Enneagram stuff about being a 3 (Bryan) and an (Ryan) sprinkled in too.

Show Notes

We women take a lot of credit for being superheroes in the adoption world (thank you, thank you), but dudes are quite the heroes, themselves. Most kids from hard places bring a lot of dad-related baggage to the table. Abandonment, abuse, the list goes on. Adoptive dads can often feel set up for failure when it comes to caring for their kids.

On top of all that, society has trained them not to have feelings or emotions or safe places to talk about the hard stuff and get support. Men are set up for success in so many ways in this world, but dealing with the pain of being on the front lines of trauma is not one of them.

That’s why we started the Dudes Who Adopt series, to give men a voice and representation that this is tough and they are not alone in it.

This is still the Enneagram season though, so yes, while our dude representatives talk about…well, dude stuff, they also talk about their specific personalities and the nuances that come with being a 3 (Bryan) and an 8 (Ryan) in the adoption world. 

What is The Adoptive Mom?

The Adoptive Mom Podcast is a show for mamas (and dads) in the trenches of adoption, those considering and walking toward adoption, and the tribes that support us through this wild ride.