Economic Development Matters / Edmonton Global

We talk with Dr. Stanford Blade, Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences at the University of Alberta and professor in the Faculty’s Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutritional Science. We talk about the importance of building a strong talent pipeline, how innovation is enhancing the food and agriculture sector, and how the University of Alberta is partnering with industry to commercialize research. 

Dr. Stan Blade's Twitter: @DeanALES_UofA 
For more information on the faculty: 

What is Economic Development Matters / Edmonton Global?

Economic Development Matters is a podcast presented by Edmonton Global, the economic development agency for the Edmonton Metropolitan Region in Alberta, Canada. It is a platform to discuss strategies for investment attraction, how to be globally competitive, and other matters related to economic development and growth.

Hosted by Brianna Morris and Sherri Bouslama.