Let's Go For A Walk

Always be inspired is a core value at Benali.
Autonomy, mastery and purpose are highly valued by employee's.
By creating a company culture that aligns with employee's values
A company can create a culture that also values inspiration.
Let's go for a walk.

Show Notes

Always be inspired is a core value at Benali.
Autonomy, mastery and purpose are highly valued by employee's.
By creating a company culture that aligns with employee's values
A company can create a culture that also values inspiration.
Let's go for a walk.


Resources and inspirations mentioned in the show:

Daniel Pink | #1 NYT bestselling author of WHEN and DRIVE



Khalil's LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/KBlinkedIn

Khalil's Twitter: https://bit.ly/KBstwitter

Benali: https://bit.ly/benaliM

Website: https://letswalkpod.com

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What is Let's Go For A Walk?

A collection of thoughts, stories, lessons, and reflections I think are worth sharing.
Recorded for you in short episodes while I walk.
Let's go for a walk.