• Ann Rohmer is with Transportation Minister Prabmeet Sakaria to discuss cracking down on impaired driving, stunt driving and auto theft.
  • The town of Clarington in Durham Region is the province's first infant safe-surrender site. Glynn Perkins with Hope's Cradle.
  • York Region is spending the month of June "Working for Seniors".  Tina Cortese with the priority areas.
  • Next week, the 2024 edition of the Canadian Open is set to tee off.....Jim Lang with a preview.
  • Shaliza Bacchus is next with why Swifties are headed to Europe to catch the Eras tour.

What is The FEED?

THE FEED is a weekly news magazine that goes behind the scenes and into more depth on the stories we have reported throughout the week or presents stories that need more time to tell. Hosted by Ann Rohmer, hear compelling interviews, local stories and local personalities - listen to The Feed weekly for the stories of York Region.