Ask Rezzz

This is a great question because thinking about your pricing and marketing is very much something that most freelancers don’t think too much about until they need that next project.

However, where I think you need to unpack it a little bit is that your 2 target markets have very different ideas around what they need for their businesses.

Show Notes

Bands tend to spend money on beer, food, and travel - they really don’t spend it in their design elements.

So you may want to re-visit that niche a bit.

Small family owned businesses is interesting though because you are putting “family” into that niche.

Which means that the business may have been passed down for generations, or that only family members work in the businesses. This may be a tough nut to crack if that’s the case.

But if you are targeting small family owned businesses, you know exactly what’s important to them. Their family! The support of that family remaining viable through the business.

Knowing and understanding those two aspects in that area, you can put together a marketing plan that speaks directly to the understand of family values and legacy.

You can show past clients that have benefitted from your services showing them how your designs have increased their business.

And if you are in business for yourself because you want to be available to be there for your family, that’s a personal touch that you can add to the mix in your marketing.

To answer your pricing portion, that’s a bit more complex because I’m uncertain about exactly what you are providing as a service.

As you explore your plan, you’ll want to anchor your prices for your services to the end results your clients, and the benefits they receive.

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