Forces in Fintech

Manual processes create room for error. For consumers, traditional methods of payment processing can be hard to organize and keep track of. As more industries go paperless, automated digital payment methods create an opportunity to streamline both payments and communication, offering convenience and simplicity for all parties involved. 
In this episode of Forces in Fintech, we’ll learn about the digital revolution happening in the credit union and bank space. We’ll discover what tools and technologies are assisting consumers with their payments, how they enhance the user experience, and how this tech is accelerating transactions. Joining us on the episode today is Aaron Dils, Senior Vice President of Sales at REPAY, to discuss how REPAY is creating product enhancements, partnerships, and integrations, providing clients with quick, and scalable solutions for their payment needs. Plus, we’ll hear why Aaron thinks there has never been a better time for credit unions and banks to go digital. 
We’ll also find out:

(1:09) – What was Aaron’s journey to his work at REPAY?
(2:01) – What makes the credit union industry ripe for digital transformation? 
(4:11) – When adopting modernized payment processing like REPAY, what are the credit unions and banks looking to achieve for their members and customers?
(7:04) – What is competition like in the Fintech payment processing market?
(9:24) – How has REPAY partnered with and integrated into these platforms? What is instant funding in the context of personal financing?
(9:41) – How is REPAY’s relationship in an existing integration different from a future integration?
(13:07) – How do you see the future of payments related to credit unions and banks evolving? 

What is Forces in Fintech?

Forces in Fintech is a bi-weekly podcast produced by REPAY, a leader in integrated payment solutions since 2006. We’re dedicated to revealing what’s behind the digital transformation of fintech and commerce. In season 1 of the podcast, we’re talking with industry experts to discuss modern technologies and how they influence market trends.