Inside The Coffin

  Inside the Coffin is Witch Craft Magazine’s new podcast. An auditory resurrection of its past. In each episode Julia Fisher and Genevieve Jagger dig up a selection of stories, poems and prose from the last 8 issues of Witch Craft for your entertainment.

This episode features:

Aprire by Katie Burke

Little Baddie Shitlist by Ariel Clark Semyck @mousecadet on Instagram and Twitter

Rosemary and Ghostmilk by Anna Lea Jancewicz @annaleajancewicz on Instagram and Twitter or on her website

To Attach by Abigail Swoboda @beetrootstock on Instagram or on their website

You can Follow Witch Craft Magazine on instagram @witchcraftmagazine or twitter @withcraftmag

You can find us and our previous issues on our new home

You can also purchase Genevieve's book, Fragile Animals from and visit for more information.

You can follow Julia, her footprints are distinctive and she will only ever travel north.

What is Inside The Coffin?

Inside The Coffin is an audio fiction podcast created by Witch Craft Magazine. Each episode hosts, Genevieve Jagger and Julia Fisher, dig up old poems and stories from previous issues of Witch Craft Magazine and reanimate them for your listening pleasure.