AppleInsider Daily

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Twitter's text-based two-factor authentication becomes a paid-only feature
Facebook has decided that paid user validation is also the way to go
iOS 16.3 no longer signed by Apple just as new security patch notes are revealed
Apple Support users hit by 'Invalid URL' issue when seeking help
Apple rolling out nudity-blurring child safety feature to more countries
Redditor would have died on the couch, if Apple Watch didn't sound the alarm

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Apple is more than just the iPhone manufacturer. This $2 trillion company's decisions impact many facets of technology, financials, and everyday life. When the company is rumored to be getting into something new, the entire world pays attention. And since 1997, AppleInsider has been covering this fascinating electronics maker from every possible angle. From details of the next-generation iPhone and MacBook to key indicators expected to drive the company’s stock price, AppleInsider Daily has you completely covered on a daily basis.