Language & Travel Hacking

Language & Travel Hacking Trailer Bonus Episode 104 Season 1

#104 Corentin on How to Reinvent Yourself as a Language Learner

#104 Corentin on How to Reinvent Yourself as a Language Learner#104 Corentin on How to Reinvent Yourself as a Language Learner


Fluent in 3 Months Challenge participant and Dutch learner, Corentin, chats with Benny and Shannon about “redefining” yourself as a language learner and finding success in your new identity.

Show Notes

Fluent in 3 Months Challenge participant and Dutch learner, Corentin, chats with Benny and Shannon about “redefining” yourself as a language learner and finding success in your new identity.

We guarantee that anyone who completes the Fluent in 3 Months Challenge will have a 15-minute conversation in their new language after 90 days of learning. You can find out more here.

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Mentioned in this Episode
Episode Overview

Some of the topics brought up during the interview are:
  • Living in Brussels and needing to learn Dutch
  • How to help your production in a language catch up to your comprehension
  • When to focus on one language learning skill and when to focus on the four core skills
  • “Redefining” yourself as a language learner
  • Why the Challenge helped Corentin more than traditional language classes
  • Taking control of your own language learning for success
  • Using a to-do app to coordinate with a team while language learning
Podcast theme: “A New Beginning” by Shannon Kennedy

What is Language & Travel Hacking?

International best-selling author and nomadic polyglot Benny Lewis shares his real experiences and advice while on-the-road about travel and language learning. Learn more at: