Watermark Equipping Podcast

In this episode, hosts Oren Martin and Caitlin Van Wagoner are joined by Watermark's Director of Membership Ethan Moehn, as they discuss the historical significance of the Protestant Reformation, including the events surrounding it, why it was necessary, and its impact on our lives today.
Part I:  00:47-02:30
What was the Reformation?
  1. The Reformation: A historical event that brought about happiness in the church because it had recovered the gospel. 
  2. Extra Resources: 
  3. 3 Things Every Christian Should Know About the Reformation 
  4. What is Reformation Day? 
  5. Stephen J. Nichols, Reformation ABCs: The People, Place, and Things of the Reformation–from A to Z 
Part II: 02:30-03:58
Why should I care about Church history and how is the Reformation relevant today?
  1. Extra Resources: 
  2. Why Study Church History? 
  3. Podcast: “5 Minutes in Church History with Stephen Nichols”  
Part III: 03:58-13:36
Why was the Reformation needed? What led to the Reformation? Who were the key figures in the Reformation?
  1. “I defy the pope and all his laws. If God spare my life many years, I will cause a boy who drives the plough to know more of the Scripture than the pope” – William Tyndale 
  2. Extra Resources: 
  3. Why Was the Reformation Necessary? 
  4. The History of the Reformation 
  5. Steven J. Lawson, The Bible Convictions of John Wycliffe 
  6. Who Was William Tyndale? 
  7. Who Was John Huss? 
Part IV: 13:37-26:06
What happened during the Reformation?
  1. Extra Resources: 
  2. Who Was Martin Luther? 
  3. How the Reformation Spread 
  4. What is the Gutenberg Bible? 
  5. Steven J. Lawson, The Heroic Boldness of Martin Luther 
Scripture Mentioned: 
  1. Isaiah 55:11  
  2. John 6:68 
Part V: 26:07-31:50
What effect after did the Reformation have ?
  1. Extra Resources: 
  2. The Reformation of Worship 
  3. The Council of Trent 
  4. 9 Things You Should Know About the Council of Trent 
Part VI: 31:50-40:00
Why is it important for modern-day Christians to understand the Reformation?
  1. Extra Resources: 
  2. Jason K. Allen, Sola: How the Solas Are Still Reforming the Church 
  3. What Are the Five Solas? 
  4. What Is the Church?  
  5. Kirsi Stjerna, Women and the Reformation  
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What is Watermark Equipping Podcast?

The Watermark Equipping Podcast is a monthly conversation about faith seeking understanding from Watermark Community Church in Dallas, Texas. Hosts Oren Martin and Caitlin Van Wagoner explore theological questions to help listeners know God more, so they can love God more.