
We all know the Bible talks about money A LOT! There are more than 2300 verses that deal with topic of money. 16 of Jesus’ 38 parables talk about money or possessions. Why then, do we struggle so mightily to talk to our churches about the issues of money and generosity?

Show Notes

It’s time for the episode that must happen. It is the episode of episodes. It’s the topic that all pastors recognize is important for church health, but cringe at the thought of talking about, let alone sharing with their congregations. It’s time to talk about money!
We all know the Bible talks about money A LOT! There are more than 2300 verses that deal with topic of money. 16 of Jesus’ 38 parables talk about money or possessions. Why then, do we struggle so mightily to talk to our churches about the issues of money and generosity? 
Today’s guest is going to help us answer that question. Gary Rohrmayer has a lengthy resume. He is a former church planting pastor, author of several books, church planting coach and consultant, and I could go on and on. He is currently the president of Converge MidAmerica, serving in that role for the last 12 years. And yes, that makes Gary my boss. I have learned a lot from Gary over the last 4+ years, and I have discovered that one of his “sweet spots” is helping churches understand the issues of generosity. So, I am excited to welcome Gary to the podcast and promise to be on my best behavior. Thanks so much for being here Gary!
·      Give me the two minute Gary Rohrmayer Story
·      Why do pastors tend to cringe when we talk about generosity?
·      How important is it that churches develop a strategic generosity plan?
·      If you could share 3-4 musts for churches to develop a generosity strategy, what would they be?
·      Can you share a story or two from churches that has reaped the benefits of pressing into the issues of generosity?
·      What’s one baby step a church could take who is listening today, that wouldn’t feel “overwhelming”?

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