On 19 and 20 June 2024, the United States Studies Centre hosted a major international conference in Sydney spotlighting the search for “economic security in a turbulent world”. Over a day and a half, the conference brought together leading policymakers, business executives and independent experts from around the world to discuss arguably the defining economic policy debate of our age – how to reconcile security and prosperity in an era of strategic competition and economic interdependence.

The final session featured opening remarks by Jan Adams AO PSM, Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, followed by a panel discussion moderator by Professor Peter Dean, Director, Foreign Policy and Defence, United States Studies Centre, with panellists Jan Adams AO PSM, Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade; =Yasuo Takamura, Cabinet Councillor, National Security Secretariat, Government of Japan
Senator Dave Sharma, Senator for New South Wales; and Dr Elizabeth Economy, Hargrove Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University.

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