Doctor Who: The Ood Cast

In which everything is a spaceship, Robin Hood is a fox and Jeremy Clarkson gets hit in the face during a sketch.

Show Notes

"He had a bouquet of quivering fronds..."

Reviews: Robot of Sherwood
Air Date: 6th September 2014
Song: Ood-e-lally based on Oo-De-Lally by Roger Miller
Additional notes: We recorded this during the week that Robot of Sherwood went out and then promptly forgot to release it until April 2015. So we did the sketch about Jeremy Clarkson BEFORE he actually got fired for punching someone. Timey, and indeed, wimey.

What is Doctor Who: The Ood Cast?

The Ood Cast is not your average Doctor Who podcast.

We aim to express the joy, the chaos and the glory of our favourite show through laughter, rhyme and song.