My So-Called Fabulous

In a healthcare system that prioritizes bottom lines and rushing patients out the door, Dr. Priya Patel set out to reset the standard of what women’s wellness should be. Thus creating FeminologyMD as a way to challenge the existing system. Focused on spending quality time with each patient, Dr. Patel is committed to treating patients as a whole person rather than just a symptom. We’re discussing all things women’s wellness… navigating the overwhelming influx of medical information from social media, blending the best of traditional & functional medicine to optimize health and care, personalized solutions for your symptoms, and more! You won’t want to miss this informative, must-listen episode.

Work with Dr. Patel:
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What is My So-Called Fabulous ?

I'm your host, Tiffany Blackmon. I'm a chef, author, mother, wife, fitness fanatic, interior design-enthusiast, fashion-lover, and the sum of all things fabulous...and not-so-fabulous.