Gut Check Project

The use of “pill cams” (cameras embedded within ingestible capsules) to take pictures of a patient’s digestive tract began almost 20 years ago. It was a huge win to find some very difficult to detect disease, bleeds, obstructions, and more.

But, that only solved the problem of getting to the problem. The process still requires hours of downloading pictures from the cam (several hours at 6-12 pictures per second!) and then the physician sitting in front of the computer screen, watching the frames, looking for any irregularity. 

Ray Bengermino of AnX Robotica joins the GCP to introduce the Navicam. In essence this capsule takes the pictures and integrates with AI for detection of anomalies and suspicious appearing tissue. This quickly directs the attention of the physician to enhance his detection of disease. And it is a perfect blend of AI assist. The physician retains full access to exam all of the images, but the AI functions as a team member for the doctor to spend more time evaluating the lesions and less time “hunting” for them.

Join Ken & Eric as they discuss the cam and how AI can work to benefit the patient.

Navicam - AnX Robotica:

(For you golfers, check out Ray’s OnPoint Golf markers here:

What is Gut Check Project?

Improve your health & quality of life, find the truth between natural and medical science. Join Ken and Co-host Eric Rieger on the GCP, and get an unfiltered approach to your health as they host guests from all over the world. Nothing is off limits. Step in and get your gut checked...Ken (Kenneth Brown, MD) is a board certified gastroenterologist that turned his private practice into a hotbed of innovation. Ken has long been intrigued on how to best care for his patients. He challenged big pharma and developed an all natural solution (Atrantil) for bloating and symptoms of IBS. That lead him to dig deeper and find more answers and uses for polyphenols. Then he began to help his patients that were suffering from inflammation, not only in their guts, but their entire bodies, including neuro/brain & immune issues. Dr. Brown has tackled serious issues with natural and proven methods that his patients love him for. But he is not finished. The Gut Check Project exists to find better answers for you in all aspects of health. Experts in all fields of study, industry, and interest will be found on the GCP. Eric (Eric Rieger, CRNA) is Ken's business partner and actually met Ken while delivering anesthesia to his patients in 2012. Eric saw first hand the passion that Ken had for his patients, his support staff, and for the answers that could improve people's lives. Eric enjoys science and research swell, and has a passion for helping people find sensible means to take care of themselves, but always armed with the best information. Join the GCP and SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE!!!!