Higher Yourself

In this episode, I have a chat with a client just days after her hip-replacement operation. We discuss how in just one life coaching (Soul Mechanic) session, I helped her go from being crippled by fear, to feeling genuine excitement about checking into hospital. She was surprised by how different her hospital visit experience was, compared to past times. Usually feeling claustrophobic she was now experiencing a more 5-Star hotel type of adventure in hospital, achieved by coaching her unconscious mind as well as her conscious mind.

Listen in to find out what Claudia has to say about her Soul Mechanic session with me just six days before her dreaded operation. She also shares her experience with learning about self-directed neuroplasticity and how our one hour session felt more like a fun chat that quickly shifted her initial feelings of dread when she thought about checking in to hospital.

If you would like to book a call to discuss more about how I can help you change any unhealthy habits or patterns that are holding you back, or to help you get unstuck in your love life or your career, please email me on soul@ryankoriya.com or DM me on Instagram.

Subscribe to this Higher Yourself podcast for specific life tools to help you declutter your inner world and feel more grounded and centred. That is a space you want to be making your life decisions from.

I’ll also be sharing some of my self-directed neuroplasticity change stories that have taken me to places that didn’t seem possible beforehand.

Soul Mechanic coaching sessions are often fun and intriguing, and empower people to continue working on their inner change wherever in the world they are. If you’d like to chat more about how I can help you get back on track, contact me and till then...

Let’s play 😉🚀✨

You can also listen to and subscribe to my Relationships, Dating and Intimacy podcast here:

RK Podcast Hub


What is Higher Yourself?

"Unlock Your Mind's Magic"

Dare to defy the impossible with Ryan Koriya aka The Soul Mechanic. From surviving adversity in Zimbabwe to touring the world solo as a self-managed musician, Ryan shares his secrets to achieving the seemingly impossible. Dive into the power of an intentional mindset and join him on a journey of self-mastery and bending perceived realities.

🧠 Explore inner reflection and self-directed neuroplasticity.
🌍 Discover Ryan's extraordinary journey from Southern Africa to various international destinations spanning four continents so far and counting. A musician and holistic life coach on a journey of self healing and soothing many a troubled soul along the way.
🚀 Join him in shifting mindsets for the better and connect with more of your higher self.

Ready to break barriers?

Contact soul@ryankoriya.com for 1:1 coaching sessions to help you get unstuck or change personal habits that continue to hold you back. From anxiety, relationship difficulties to procrastination or low self-esteem, the mind is able to change its current default, no matter your age. Get in touch today to book in a free introductory call.

Fasten your seatbelts and subscribe to this fun mind-bending podcast.

Mission I'MPOSSIBLE!' Making the impossible, possible!

"It always seems impossible until it's done" - Nelson Mandela