Fire the Canon

The original gang is back!  Why?  Because Theo needs advice.  Not just any advice - the oldest advice in the world.  That’s right - this week we’re discussing The Wisdom of Ptah-Hotep, a “book” of “advice” from Ptah-Hotep, vizier of Pharaoh Isesi, the last ruler of the Fifth Dynasty of Egypt.  Theo has a suggestion for how we can avoid fixing the healthcare system.  Jackie Kermits against her will.  Rachel reminisces about her old classssssmatessss, Bobo and Bilbo.  Topics include: Fuddruckers, Coca-Mola, Serpent Handling 101, Undermining the Government in a God-Fearing Way, frame narratives (which Rachel came up with), Battiscombe G. Gunn, severing one’s ties with the occult, horse kids, 6000 years of great stuff, Ozymandias the salty ol’ sea dog, Theewi vs. Beefy T vs Theo Sunflow, Cyndi Lauper, Princesplaining, You Thought You Knew New York, and Yeah! by Usher feat. Lil Jon and Ludacris.

(Titles we considered but didn’t go with: Girls for the Gays and Goths for the Whales; Dress for the Egypt You Want, Not the Egypt You Have; Obey Your Enemy, Eat Your Wife; Look On Me Works, Me Hearties; 2,000 Years of Disagreement; and The Elements of Human Intercourse Throughout the Ages.)

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