Zeus With Bruce

What is life, who are people, and who are you?

Your answers to these 3 questions are called your Global Beliefs. They are how you view not only life, and others, but also yourself. What if your answers to these 3 questions are disempowering, destructive, and overall deflating the quality of your life? 

Now, it's not to say that thinking more positively will guarantee you are able to get what you want but it does guarantee that you increase the chances that you will. 

Give the episode a listen to shift your Global Beliefs and to even learn about Power Posturing that will help you change your state in minutes!

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For more content and all things Zeus With Bruce, go to https://www.zeuswithbruce.com/ and follow on Instagram @zeuswithbruce.
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What is Zeus With Bruce?

Although commonly used as a noun, Bruce views the word Zeus when used as a verb to indicate a sense of growth from the pits of despair and empty vessels of ignorance to mountain tops of hope and knowledge. Topics include philosophy, sociology, psychology, culture, mindset, and everything else. Interviews with humans from all walks of life are included to broaden our perspectives.

At its core, Zeus with Bruce is about Embracing Wisdom and Rejecting Ignorance.