Global Perspectives on Digital Health

Podcast Title: Global Perspectives on Digital Health
Episode Title: Bridging the Gap: The Last Mile of Healthcare
Guest: Bilal Mateen, Executive Director of Digital Square @ PATH

In this episode, Shubs Upadhyay interviews Bilal Mateen, Executive Director of Digital Square at PATH about digital health challenges and successes in underserved communities. They explore the importance of safety, regulatory considerations, and the need for inclusive data sets and data infrastructure. The discussion also covers the role of community health workers and the impact of AI and large language models in healthcare.

Key Topics

  • Digital Public Goods: Exploring how digital solutions can be accessible public goods.
  • Health Data Poverty: Discussing how this issue affects global health equity.
  • AI in Healthcare: Insights on the use of AI and large language models to improve healthcare outcomes.


  • 00:00 Introduction and Background
  • 05:06 Digital Public Goods
  • 07:04 How Health Data Poverty Plays Out
  • 08:59 Reaching the Last Mile of Healthcare
  • 15:47 AI and Large Language Models in Healthcare
  • 29:00 Investing in Data Science Ecosystems and Regulatory Frameworks
  • 32:59 More Global Representation in Regulation
  • 37:03 Considering Local Nuances in AI Deployment
  • 39:12 Divergent Approaches to Regulating LLMs
  • 45:28 Regulation of LLMs as Medical Devices
  • 48:40 Recommendations to Innovators about Healthcare Regulation


What is Global Perspectives on Digital Health?

The podcast delves into the realm of health tech, highlighting a common trend: a focus primarily on the US, EU, and UK. However, it advocates for a broader perspective, urging listeners to look beyond this bubble and consider the innovations happening in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). These regions face significant digital and non-digital healthcare challenges, leading to inventive solutions borne out of necessity. By exploring the work of those in LMICs, the podcast aims to uncover valuable lessons from their successes and obstacles.

Hosted by Shubs Upadhyay, a primary care physician with a wealth of experience spanning clinical practice, innovation, regulation and medical software engineering quality, the podcast offers a unique viewpoint. Through this lens, it reveals a stark disparity between technological advancements and their impact on underserved populations. With a focus on spotlighting individuals and organizations making a real impact in these communities, the podcast invites listeners to join the journey of discovery.