Hard to Market

From YouTube shorts to powerful email snippets, discover how to turn casual listeners into superstar clients. We're slicing through the noise with smart, targeted strategies that amplify your voice and your brand. Ready to engage and convert? Tune in!

Key Points
• Shorts in emails boost engagement
• Case studies equal social proof
• Target with precision content
• Nurture top-of-funnel prospects
• Use content like a sniper rifle

Best Quotes
00:13 - 00:18 • "We're publishing them out on YouTube, we're publishing shorts and clips out on Instagram, TikTok, that kind of thing."
00:23 - 00:28 • "And those are all great, right? Those are gonna get a certain sort of audience volume."
01:39 - 01:44 • "Turn those into case, you know, case studies and testimonials, and then use those for social proof."
02:12 - 02:20 • "Target very, very specific people, folks that are in your ideal target market or your ideal channel partner."
02:37 - 02:47 • "Remember that this content repository you're creating can be used kind of both like a shotgun and like a sniper rifle when it comes to deployment."

Connect with our host, Brian Mattocks:

What is Hard to Market?

On Hard to Market, we discuss the challenges marketing nuanced products and services in the B2B space. Guests include marketing leaders in diverse industries that have products or services that are tricky to sell. Expect to hear success and horror stories from the marketing front-lines on the very next episode of Hard to Market.