The Podcast

How we apply Lean philosophy to the Nozbe Teams development process:
- Weekly release train
- Phased releases
- One-day pull requests
- Asynchronous testing
- Feature flags
- Bug fixing Mondays
- Dev responsibilities
- Roadmap Rangers
- Time scoping
- Kaizen in customer support
- Text daily standups
- Kaizen math

Feel free to follow us on twitter: and

Show Notes

How we apply Lean philosophy to the Nozbe Teams development process: - Weekly release train - Phased releases - One-day pull requests - CI/CD - Asynchronous testing - Feature flags - Bug fixing Mondays - Dev responsibilities - Roadmap Rangers - Time scoping - Kaizen in customer support - Text daily standups - Kaizen math Feel free to follow us on twitter: and

What is The Podcast?

Radek and Michael talk about technology, productivity tips, business, publishing, and whatever else comes to mind.