Real Perspectives Podcast

Welcome to the Real Perspectives Podcast, where we bring you insightful discussions on the most pressing topics in our communities. I'm your host, Vladimir Bosanac, the co-founder and publisher of The Registry, and today, we're thrilled to have a special guest, Michael Allen, the Community Development Director of the vibrant city of El Segundo. Michael has been at the forefront of innovative city planning and community engagement, driving El Segundo towards a brighter, more inclusive future. In today's episode, we'll dive into the heart of community development, exploring the challenges and triumphs of building a city that truly reflects the needs and aspirations of its people. Join us as we uncover the stories behind the strategies, and the vision that's shaping the future of El Segundo. Welcome Michael Allen to the Real Perspectives Podcast.

What is Real Perspectives Podcast?

Exploring commercial real estate topics across the West Coast of the US, and sometimes the world!